Laotian Love Vegetables!

(kaffir lime leaves)

If you take a look at most of Chef Seng’s dishes, you notice right away how herbs, spices and plenty of vegetables are part if not the main course.  Steamed, fried, raw, pickled, are delicious ways to try vegetables, depending on your taste and we asked Chef Seng a couple of questions on what vegetables represented for her back in Laos and now here in Northern Virginia, USA.  This is what she responded:

“Back in laos we have garden back on the front yard just like here, we had so many kind of vegetables and fruits: asian guard, pumpkin, egg plants, chilies, tomato, lettuce, mustard, spinach, mint, cilantro, scallion, lemongrass, dill, ginger, galangal, lime, papaya, coconuts and more.  Away from home my grandparents had fruit plantation with mango, pineapple, banana, coconut, papaya, longan and more also.

We picked most vegetables everyday to eat raw: pumpkin pod, gourd pod, Spanish mustard; we would steam and eat with many dipping sauces such as roasted chili tomato sauce or pounded fish sauce were some of our favorites.

Most vegetables and herbs we can find here in the United States.  Back home we ate more vegetables than meat, every meal must have so many different kind, fresh and steamed, it wouldn’t be a complete meal for us without vegetables.

When people ask me not to put certain vegetable on their dish, I would still make for them and until now the feedback has always been “it’s delicious”.

(Thai eggplants)

On the next post Chef Seng will share with us a recipe “Orm Pak”, a delicious stew with guess what? Lots of vegetables and herbs!

Have a great week everyone, and remember to eat your veggies! 🙂

(ginger leaves)

A little boy performs Lao classical dance at the Restaurant!

Paxton and his parents are amazing customers.  They come to the restaurant sometimes and one day he showed his moves to everyone.  Paxton is a 6 years old boy who has a great passion for SE Asia classical dance and he asked Chef Seng if he could perform on his Birthday (today!) and of course she gladly accepted.

We are very happy to share Paxton’s performance with all of you, just join us for dinner tonight at 6:30pm. He will dance a few Cambodian, Lao and Thai classical style dances.  We will make sure to snap a few pictures of his presentation to share here.

Your presence will do us great honor we hope to see you!

Remember we are located: 6395 Seven Corners Ctr, Falls Church, VA.

R.S.V.P. (703) 533-9480

Chef’s Tasting Menu | Vegetarian*Vegan

(Nam Khao)

Vegetarian – Vegan (Sundays-Thursdays Dinner time)

 Nam Khao / Crispy Rice Salad

Pak Nuong /  Steamed Vegetables w/ Roasted Chili

 Yum Marg Muang / Mango Salad

Larb Tao Hu / Tofu

Orm Het /  Curry Mushroom

Mok Nor Mai / Bamboo Steamed in Banana Leaf

  Khao Mao/ Avocado & Sticky Rice – Coconut

For reservations:

call: 703-533-9480 or


We have a Blog!

Welcome to our new Blog!

We will share most of our adventures in-N-out the kitchen,  Chef Seng’s recipes and food experiences.

Our small family-owned restaurant is located in Seven Corners, Falls Church in Virginia and we are open everyday.  We offer two menus Thai and Laotian and carry weekly specials, feel free to call us, tweet us or post on Facebook and we will make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.

Lemongrass from Chef Seng’s garden.  Have you made tea with its fragrant leaves? Drink it plain with hot water or with warmed milk and honey it’s just delicious.